Installation Guide
Login with Administrator role to your NetSuite account (Production or Sandbox)
If this is the first installation of Apps from SuiteCorner you need to install 2 bundles.If you already have installed the bundle SC End User License Module you will only need to install the bundle Boards Bundle Bundle ID
SC End User License Module 370971
CRM Boards 371010To install the bundles: Go to menu: Customizations/SuiteBundler/Search & Install Bundles
Use Bundle ID to find relevant Bundle. Start to install SC End User License Bundle if this is the first App from SuiteCorner. Then Install CRM Boards. Follow instructions from the NetSuite System and proceed with the installations.When all installation steps are done: Open your employee record and assignee the role Boards Administrator (SC) to your self. Log out from NetSuiteLog in and chose the role Board Administrator (SC)
On the Home dashboard you find links to Boards help center. In the help center you get information on how to create a new board.
First Time you try to Create a new board record you will get an message asking you to register. When you click on the link you will be transferred to a Registration Form where you need to put in your Company name and Contact details. When you submit this Registration Form the system will automatically create a Trial License that will be valid for 30 days (you need the Trial license to evaluate the App).
After registration you will receive Login information in an email to SuiteCorners Customer Center (login within 24 hours, the link will expire).
If link has expired there will be a second link in the email to request a new activation email. Or you can always send an email to with Subject: Link to SuiteCorner Customer Center Expired.
Fill in your contact information, company name and account id, this will help us help you faster.When you decide to purchase this App you will need to login to SuiteCorners Customer Center.In SuiteCorners Customer Center there is a License Application where you can activate your License.We provide several different Payment Options and these will be available in SuiteCorners Customer Center.Below you can find our Payment & Subscription Terms